how do these work?

instead of conventional payment i take art commissions for gift cards on bandcamp and steam due to not having my name changed yet + p*ypal being spotty. pardon the profound incovenience of this.

how do i pay you?

the easiest way to equivalate these prices is through gift cards. this may involve sending me multiple gift cards if the prices mentioned above are not equivalated with what either bandcamp or steam offers. you can also just gift me something off my wishlist instead, or combine approaches. you can view my accounts/wishlists here: steam page, bandcamp page.

if you would prefer direct gifting of an album/game, what you're getting will be roughly equivalent to the basic fees outlined below (ex. a $7 game WILL yield you a fullbody sketch). conversely if you are paying a little over one of the basic fees, you can either deem it a tip or ask for some excess detailing such as rendering/shading. the best way to approach this is asking me "hey, what'll you draw for xyz amount?" and i'll just toss an answer your way, outlining limitations.

tldr: just get me gift cards unless you're comfortable with complications and a lot of talk.

typical prices

$10 = fullbody sketch
$20 = halfbody with color
any price around $20-30 = aseprite animation
$30 = fullbody with color
$40 = full illustration (character + background/design elements)
any price around $30-50 = sketch page (higher cost = more elaborate)

for extra characters, pick a cost above, half it, and add to the total!
ex. halfbody with color for 2 characters would go:
1. halfbody with color for 1 char = $20
2. get half of full price, $20/2 = $10
3. $20 + $10 = $30 as the total price
for a third character, $20 + $10 + $10 = $40 total, etc
there are no additional character costs for either form of sketch pages OR aseprite animations. the fee is flat for both.
costs for feral animal character art is cut in half all across the board.

turnaround and payment times

i give myself around 6 weeks to finish a commission, though naturally i may endure delays — feel free to nudge me about this. once i'm done, i'll send you a low-quality preview. after this you can pay and i'll throw over a high quality png for you. you can ask me to post it publically, or post it yourself.

i'm open to fixing minor details once the picture's done, but i will not redraw any significant parts of the image.

contact me on whatever you find most convenient — here is the list of all my main sites. you can also ask me for my discord.

what info do i need to send you?

a character's name (or reference, for an oc) is all i need! preferably point me towards a detailed reference or high quality picture of the design, lest you're fine with me taking liberties. due to the low prices i've set and the volatile nature of my art process, i will take artistic liberties with posing and backgrounds. you can instruct some loose guidelines, however: for example, "character a and character b interacting romantically" or "the background is a grimy dungeon cellar" or something. if you'd like something of a similar style to some past art i've done, you can link me the piece, and i'll try to incorporate those elements for you!

i am open to drawing:

- original characters
- fanart (i CAN attempt characters from media i don't know)
- characters from live action media
- humanoids
- abstract characters
- most kinds of furries
- romantic interactions
- pictures with weird nonsense layouts and lots of symbolism
- simple backgrounds and scenery

i will not draw:

- fanart for media i am uncomfortable with
- anything promoting hate or bigotry
- heavy gore or body horror
- nsfw artwork
- anything overly detailed, as these commissions are meant to be easygoing

terms of service

- you CAN use my art as an icon, upload it to other sites with credit, etc
- do NOT use my art for anything related to nfts/ai
- do NOT claim my art as your own
- do NOT use my art for commercial products
- do NOT use my art to promote bigotry of any kind
- i have the right to deny any commission for any reason

current queue

- open slot 1
- open slot 2
last updated: 17 august 2024


fullbody sketch, 2 chars

colored halfbody

halfbody with color, 1 char


fullbody with color, 1 char, feral

design elements

design elements, 2 chars + details

design elements

design elements, 1 char

sketch page

sketch page

design elements

sketch page

aseprite animation

aseprite animation

aseprite animation

aseprite animation